Psychologist’s Tips for Preventing Burnout

123–  Develop a specific relaxation ritual for yourself. For example, as soon as you wake up, immediately get out of bed. Do the meditation for at least fifteen minutes. Read something that inspires you. Listen to your favorite music.

–  Eat healthy foods and exercise. When you eat right, engage in regular physical activity, and get plenty of rest, you will have higher energy and resilience to life’s troubles and demands.

–  No need to play into someone’s hands. If you disagree with something, then firmly answer “no”, agree – “yes”. Trust me, it’s not difficult. Don’t overexert yourself.

–  Take a daily technological break for yourself. Set a time when you can completely disconnect. Leave alone your laptop, phone, social media, email. Analyze the past day, pay more attention to the positive moments.

–  Support your creativity. It is a powerful antidote that can help you fight burnout. Create some new interesting project, come up with a new hobby, etc. Then stress will “stick” to you less often. Any creative work can heal from emotional experience: draw, dance, sing, sculpt, sew, embroider, design, etc.

–  Use stress prevention techniques. If you’re still on the path to burnout, try to prevent stress by using meditation techniques, take breaks from work, write your thoughts in a journal, do your favorite hobbies, and other activities that have nothing to do with your work.

–  Think positively. Each life situation was presented to us for a reason, it carries its own life lesson, notice even in the most difficult moments – the pros and the opportunities for your further path. It should be remembered that the real cause of stress is not people, not disappointments, not mistakes, but how you feel about it. Remember: “He who worries earlier than necessary, he worries more than necessary.”

–  Get enough sleep! If your sleep patterns are disrupted by stress, there is a risk of being trapped in a vicious circle: stress provokes insomnia, and insomnia further exacerbates stress.

–  Music is one of the components of mood enhancement.

How to recover from burnout?

Recovery Strategy No.1: Slow Down

If the final stage of emotional burnout has come, try to look with different eyes at everything that brought you to this state. Think and take care of your health. You should reconsider your attitude towards your work and personal life, force yourself to consider taking a break from work and getting medical treatment.

Recovery Strategy No.2:

Get support when you are burned out, the natural tendency is to isolate yourself in order to protect the remaining energy in you. This is a step in the wrong direction. During these difficult times, your friends and family are more important to you than ever. Contact them for support. Just share your feelings with them, it may alleviate your condition a little.

Recovery Strategy No.3: Reconsider your goals and priorities

If you have reached the stage of burnout, it is likely that something in your life is going wrong. Analyze everything, reassess your values. You must properly respond to warning signs as an opportunity to redefine your current life. Take time to consider what makes you happy and what is important to you. If you find that you are neglecting significant activities or people in your life, change your attitude accordingly.