«Of all medicine best is rest and abstinence» said Benjamin Franklin. Everyone need relax to recover. Rest is integral part of life. Shanyrak «Altyn-Emel» with other shanyraks went to the winter camp «Zvezdnyi» to have a rest. It is located in the pine forest of resort zone Burabay, near the lake Katarkol. Camp «Zvezdnyi»   has a comfortable building, learning classes, playing courts and dining room.

          The rest was accompanied by different games. Most of all games were on the fresh air, such as sliding on the air soft pillows, skating , throwing snowballs and etc. Also there were movable dances on the snow with loud and incendiary music. Moreover, there are some entertainments in the building. For example, students had fun with singing songs and dancing. In the resort was huge ice hill , where pupils rose for 15 minutes. Breathtaking downhill from spectacular hill was memorable for everyone. There is one more entertainment that pleased students, but needed additional money. It is paintball. Long line of pupils wanted to play this game, but some of them cannot enjoy it, because there is few time to try every game. Games on a fresh air benefited organisms of children. They had a rest and got a lot of incredible memories.

        Camp «Zvezdnyi» didn’t make anyone indifferent. Everyone found something interesting for themselves. Students had a good time, and got a benefit. Thanks to this trip they could know their classmates better and became a cohesive team.


Aruzhan KAYSAR,

8 «В» grade

“Altyn Emel” Shanyrak