The project “Kazaksha Wikipedia” was begun in 2011. In April 2013, about 200 thousand articles had already been published.
The number of page views of the Kazakh Wikipedia monthly reached up to eight million hits. The number of users who are writing and editing articles has grown from ten to 500 people and the position of Kazakh language in the rank of Wikipedia languages has risen from position 125 to 33.
Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools write and edit articles, discuss the “wiki” of technologies along with the infinite possibilities of using them in self-education in the classroom.
To view the pages of the students, you need to go to this link: NZM. After this, it is necessary to choose a school: “Көкшетау қаласындағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебі”, then participants of the course: “Қатысушылар”. There you can view pages and read a lot of interesting information gathered by our students on different topics including: the page of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Kokshetau, “Kazakh national clothes”, “Black cloth”, “Bukpa hill”, “Agyntai batyr”, “Qarash Karel Akishev, “A portrait of Dorian Gray”, and many other articles.
This year students of 7-11 grades will help develop the ‘Wikipedia Club’.